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Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Covers (Cancelled) Year: 1912 CE Century: 20 CE Country: China “ This Chinese style red band cover was postmarked on February 28th, 1913 in Peking (Beijing). It was sent from Beijing Telephone ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Cancelled) Year: 1912 CE Century: 20 CE Country: China “ 1911年,中華民國剛成立,新郵票還來不及印製。當時北京郵政總辦法國人帛黎(T. Piry)心存觀望,委由上海海關造冊處加印「臨時中立」郵票,意謂郵政機構不屬大清帝國,亦不附屬中華民國。此舉激起革命派反對,當局見事態擴大遂令各郵局將該票繳回總局處理。191 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Cancelled) Year: 1912 CE Century: 20 CE Country: China “ 1911年,中華民國一成立,大清帝國的郵票不能再使用,但中華民國自己的新郵票卻還來不及印製。同年11月9日,福建新軍隨之舉義,在福州成立軍政府,推孫道仁為都督。13日,閩都督府正式成立,孫道仁任都督,發出安民告示,宣告接管福建一切事宜。當時曾照會福州郵務總 ...” |