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Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Covers (Cancelled) Year: 1895 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ 福爾摩沙共和國(Formosan Republic),史稱台灣民主國,為1895年台灣人拒絕被割讓給日本而宣佈獨立的短暫政權。當時台灣民主國政府在台南安平海關稅務司麥嘉林(C.A. McCallum,英國人)的協助下,曾印製了三套史稱「獨虎票」的郵票。儘管 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Cancelled) Year: 1895 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ 這是一張由臺灣民主國第二版的五十錢郵票所組成的四方連,上面還銷有1895年9月10日的大圓戳。臺灣民主國,又稱福爾摩沙共和國(Formosan Republic),為1895年清朝因甲午戰爭戰敗割讓台灣後,由台灣人(實際上很有可能是劉永福本來就很想造反)宣 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Unused) Year: 1895 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ Formosan Republic (台灣民主國, literally Democratic State of Taiwan) was a short-lived state that existed between the formal cession ...” |