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Uploader: nikkox
Subcategory: Flatware, Knives & Cutleryx
Century: 19 CEx
Country: United Statesx
Keyword: Formosax
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Houseware > Flatware, Knives & Cutlery Year: 1885 CE Century: 19 CE Country: United States “ 這根不起眼的鍍銀小湯匙,上面卻打有「Formosa Oolong Tea(福爾摩沙烏龍茶)」的字樣。很明顯的,這是用來宣傳福爾摩沙烏龍茶的宣傳用品。要知道這根湯匙的背後是誰負責出資製作的,首先就要先推定它的年份。這根湯匙背後印有了「Rogers & ...” |