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Welcome to DEMOMY, the online display for your private collections. Do you have collections that have been long forgotten in the drawers for years? Why not share them with the world by adding your collection here?
Category: Documents & Papersx
Keyword: Formosa Oolong Teax
Uploader: NIKKO
Year: 1889 CE
Century: 19 CE
Country: United States
這是一張班奈•史隆公司(Bennett Sloan & Co)於1889年7月23日所開立的一張發票。班奈•史隆公司是位於紐約的一家進口商,專營茶葉、咖啡、香料、雪茄及煙草等商品。這張發票所開立的內容也平平無奇,不過特別的地方就在於這張發票的信頭。


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