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Category: Stamps & Postcardsx
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Year: 1909 CE Century: 20 CE Country: Japan “ This Taiwan Governor General 14th Anniversary Commemorative Postcard has a one and half sen (一銭五厘) chrysanthemum stamp postmarke ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Year: 1909 CE Century: 20 CE Country: Japan “ 這張臺灣總督府始政14年紀念明信片貼了菊五厘切手並銷有明治四十二年(1909年)六月十七日打狗(高雄舊名)紀念戳。當時的「理蕃計畫」才剛開始沒多久,這張明信片應該就是刻意用來宣傳「理蕃計畫」成效的文宣品。明信片上面的圖片是閑院宮載仁親王在臺灣總督官邸接見蕃 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Unused) Century: 20 CE Country: Japan “ After the cession of Taiwan in 1895, a year after the first Sino-Japanese war, Japanese started to develop this newly acquired l ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Unused) Century: 20 CE Country: Japan “ 這些明信片也是日本政府當年用來推廣臺灣茶的系列產品之一,是以浮世繪富士三十六景為主題,上面印有「Formosa Oolong Tea(福爾摩沙烏龍茶)」字樣。這些畫的作者是被視為當代浮世繪最後的大師:歌川廣重(歌川広重,1797 –1858年)。浮世絵是日 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Century: 20 CE Country: Japan “ 當臺灣成為大日本帝國的一部份之後,日本開始建設臺灣並決定將在地生產的烏龍茶,不分農莊或是品牌,整體包裝成當地特產推銷到歐美。日本政府決定以歌川豐國、歌川廣重、歌川國芳及葛飾北齋等人的浮世繪作品當成整體設計風格的基調,推出一系列的明信片。這張由浮世繪名家歌川 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Covers (Cancelled) Year: 1912 CE Century: 20 CE Country: China “ This Chinese style red band cover was postmarked on February 28th, 1913 in Peking (Beijing). It was sent from Beijing Telephone ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Year: 1906 CE Century: 20 CE Country: France “ 這張1906年寄往法國昂古萊姆(Angoulême, France)的天津街頭纏足女性圖(Femmes chinoises dans une rue de Tien-Tsin.)明信片貼有法國十分郵票,並銷有法國塞納(Seine)戳。這張10c法國郵票為播 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Year: 1906 CE Century: 20 CE Country: China “ 上海勃拉高(C. Bracco)出版的北京大光明殿明信片貼蟠龍倫敦版半分郵票並銷有1906年6月17日上海工部書信館(Shanghai Local Post)B戳。
大光明殿(Temple of Light)原位於今北京市西城區西安門大街路南、光明胡 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Year: 1906 CE Century: 20 CE Country: China “ Kuhn & Komor出版的馬嘉理紀念碑街景(Margary Monument)明信片,銷1906年1月19日上海工部書信館(Shanghai Local Post)C戳。
馬嘉理(Augustus Raymond Margary,1846 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Year: 1906 CE Century: 20 CE Country: China “ 上海外灘街景圖(Bund of Shanghai)明信片 銷1906年1月17日上海工部書信館(Shanghai Local Post)D戳。 ...” |