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Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Cancelled) Year: 1939 CE Century: 20 CE Country: Taiwan “ 這張明信片是在昭和14年(1939年)6月7日由台北寄給佐賀縣神崎郡東與賀村的大伝令次。昭和時期的台中大正町即為今天台中市的自由路,不過根據街道右邊的一六軒支店(為當時知名的洋菓子店)以及左邊的福井自轉車店,我們可以知道得知這張照片是站在大正町二丁目與三丁 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Unused) Century: 20 CE Country: Taiwan “ 這張由若林基隆堂發行的台北市太平町通明信片為今日台北市延平北路一帶的街景照片。照片中店家林立,路上也非常繁忙,可以想見當時的太平町通是多麼的熱鬧繁華。相較於台北城內及西門町屬於日籍人士聚集之地,當時台北北門外的太平町為臺灣商家的集中地。從照片中可以分辨出有 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Postcards (Unused) Century: 20 CE Country: Taiwan “ 這張明信片攝於臺南市末廣町二丁目,儘管並未標註日期,不過仍然可以辨認出右前方已經有林百貨的六樓高聳建築。由於林百貨在昭和7年(1932年)開幕時是當時臺南市最高的建築,所以由此可知這張照片應該是攝於戰前的昭和初期。當時位於末廣町的這條路被稱做「銀座通」,為 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Unused) Year: 1888 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ 臺灣龍馬郵票為臺灣首任巡撫劉銘傳創辦臺灣郵政時所印製的郵票。1888年(光緒14年)劉銘傳委託淡水英國領事館交由英國倫敦的韋斯特尼(Percy W. Wastnage)印製。可能是因為所要印製的工藝技術過高,韋斯特尼又把這筆生意轉交給專門印製鈔票的伯雷特伯 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Cancelled) Year: 1895 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ The Formosan Republic Black Flag 3rd Issue stamps are the 3rd series of stamps issued by the ill-fated Formosan Republic (台灣民主國, ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Cancelled) Year: 1895 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ The Formosan Republic Black Flag 2nd Issue stamps are the 2nd series of stamps issued by the ill-fated Formosan Republic (台灣民主國, ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Unused) Year: 1895 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ Formosan Republic (台灣民主國, literally Democratic State of Taiwan) was a short-lived state that existed between the formal cession ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Covers (Cancelled) Year: 1895 CE Century: 19 CE Country: Taiwan “ 中日甲午戰爭後,清廷被迫簽訂馬關條約,將台灣和澎湖列島割讓給日本,在台灣引起了軒然大波。台灣士紳民眾希望朝廷收回成命,並要求湊錢贖回台灣,但清廷不接受台灣方面的陳情。1895年5月,日軍開往台灣,準備進行接收。台灣民眾在指望清朝無望的情況下,在丘逢甲率領下 ...” |
Uploader: NIKKO Category: Stamps & Postcards > Stamps (Unused) Year: 1945 CE Century: 20 CE Country: Taiwan “ Taiwan local stamps (Japanese: 台湾地方切手), also known as Taiwan numeric stamps (中文: 台灣數字郵票) by the philatelist community in Taiwan, ...” |